Get the look you want at a great price!

Suits and sportcoats available in a wide variety of styles and sizes. Also dress shirts, ties, and accessories now on sale.

Prom 2025 HAS ARRIVED! We have the latest styles of slim and modern fit suits, including multi-colored patterned coats to rent or buy. We also have a large selection of dress shirts, trousers and accessories.

Suits now available to rent, starting at only $149.

Looking to buy instead? Suit prices start at $199.

Or…rent everything except the coat for only $139.

Rent or buy your Prom Suit or Tuxedo with us and receive:

  • $40 off for a complete tux or suit rental
  • Prices starting at $99.00 for a complete tux rental

We also have clearance suits and prom jackets on sale for as low as $99.00. Come in early for best selection!

Follow @tophattuxedo on Instagram anytime before you rent or buy your Suit or Tuxedo and you’ll receive a FREE pair of men’s socks ($6 value) to keep with your rental or purchase.

Must mention to receive offer. 

  • Refer your friends and you could earn a free tux!

    For every person from your school you refer to us you will receive $10 off of your prom tuxedo rental!

    Refer 10 people and get your entire prom tuxedo rental for free!

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